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CER有两层意思:1. 用于存储公钥证书的文件格式。 2.核证减排量,Certification Emission Reduction 的英文缩写。
1.Assessment of greenhouse gas emission reductions of ecological energy type and environmental protection energy type waste treatment system in large-scale pig farms.
2.The Kyoto Protocol incorporates three flexibility mechanisms, such as the emissions trading, the joint implementation and the clean development mechanism (CDM), to help Annex I countries to gain carbon emission reduction from the other countries at a lower overall cost.
《联合国气候变化框架公约》的《京都议定书》中规定了排放贸易、联合履约和清洁发展机制三种灵活机制 ,其附件 I国家可以通过这三种机制以较低的成本从境外获得碳减排量 。
3.Under the background of the clean development mechanism(CDM),trading of greenhouse gas(GHG) emission reductions is an attractive approach to help producers implementing cleaner treatment technologies to replace current system,say anaerobic lagoons.
CER(核证减排量),Certification Emission Reduction 的英文缩写.核证减排量是清洁...
对肯德基来说,,CER是一个检查 查各工作站的标准度.
CER 的全称:Centre for European Reform CER OUR NEW ADDRESS IS(CER的新地址): 14 GREAT COLLEGE STREET, LONDON, SW1P 3RX CER 的官网: CER 的简介:The Centre for European Reform is a think-tank devoted to reforming the European Union. It is a forum for people with ideas to discuss the many social, political and economic challenges facing Europe. It seeks to work with similar bodies in other European countries, in North America and elsewhere in the world. The Centre for European Reform is pro-European but not uncritical. It regards European integration as largely beneficial but recognises that in many respects the Union does not work well. The CER therefore aims to promote new ideas and policies for reforming the European Union. The Centre for European Reform makes a point of bringing together people from the worlds of politics and business. Most of our meetings and seminars are by invitation only, to ensure a high level of debate. The conclusions of our research and seminars are reflected in our publications, as well as in the private papers and briefings that senior officials, ministers and commissioners ask us to provide. The CER's work is funded by donations from the private sector. It has never received money from governments or EU institutions. As an independent organisation, the CER has published work by people from parties across the political spectrum.
CER有两层意思:1. 用于存储公钥证书的文件格式。
2. 核证减排量,Certification Emission Reduction 的英文缩写。核证减排量是清洁发展机制(CDM)中的特定术语,指联合国执行理事会(EB)向实施清洁发展机制项目的企业颁发的经过指定经营实体(DOE)核查证实的温室气体减排量。只有联合国向企业颁发了CER证书之后,减排指标CER才能在国际碳市场上交易。
碳减排贸易中非常常见的缩写。certificate emission reduction.指的是经核证的二氧化碳减排量。一个企业少排放了多少二氧化碳是能够通过专门的机构用一定的方法学核证出来的。核证它有什么用呢?可以出售给那些承担强制减排义务的国家。算他们减排的,不过他们得给咱们钱。